Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Thank you for Everything.

Salehuddin Abdullah, Thanks sbb pernah hadir dlm hidup i. i hargai semua yg u buat utk i. I bahagia slame i ngan u, and i tahu u ta bahagia ngan i selama kite da couple around 7months, i tau dlm hati u de org len yg lebih brmakna. sorry i ta brmksud nak rampas kebahagiaan u ngn dia. sorry u. ok i da luahkan everything kat u segala-galanya tp u tak akan prnah fhm then its ok. ni keputusan i, kita clash! jgn tnye nape sbb pe pe slh u. u da bsar n u sndri tau pe slh u. jgn na tipu i. i tau segala-galanya saleh. i tau u sdn berpura-pura menyayangi i saleh. i tau everything yg u tatau saleh. I ta prnh bnci u saleh, i just anggap ni smue takdir i na i trime. ni smue akibat bile rmpas someone from others. I da dpt blasan i, im sorry u. Maaf, i da terlanjur mencintai org yg sememangnya hak org lain. ermm i minta maaf. i hrp lepas u bce ni, tlg jgn cri i or kwn2 i or my parents. pls tlg. i da tana de pape kaitan dgn u lg lps ni even as friend. i hrp u hormat keputusan i. i na lupekan segala-galanye. n kalu na minta maaf atas kesalahan u, da ta pelu. i da maafkn smue ksalahan u n da tade pe slh pn u ngan i ok. dnt worry i will be fine without u saleh :) 

Saleh, u ta pelu na jelaskan apa2 utk smue ni ok. I da tau sndri pe smue ni u. Jgn buang mase u na terangkn smue ni ok? I DAH BACA PUN :)

Ni i beli n i akan bg, i takan simpan smue brang yg i da beli utk my ex-boyfriend. so i akan bg sile terima n tlg jgn ckp ape2 pn, menyusahkan ke pe ke tlg la. i da belim ambek then anggap barang tu u beli sndri bkn dr i. pls. 

Ermm ni smue i beli ikhlas utk u, de lg, tp i gmbr yg len de kt laptop i ni laptop dady. ermm u jage la brg ni smue elok2 ok. Sory kalu brg ni ta seberapa sgt na dibandingkan ngan your love and your care towards me, even i not is not for me. Thankyou :)

I know it is difficult to let this relationship go. We have been through so much together that it hurts just recalling a tiny fraction of the time we spent as a couple. But i also know it will only hurt more if we let this relationship drift. Perhaps you will find that I'm trying to justify my decision to move on. To alleviate my guilt of leaving this relationship. Maybe I'm and for that I'm truly sorry. But I also strongly believe that a person as special as you deserves someone much better. Someone who can love and cherish you the way a lover should rather than depending on crumbs from a dying feeling which is better left buried. 
Therefore, this relationship is over. Harsh it may seem but I also want both of us to be happy. If I can't feel it in my heart, neither can I give you what you rightly deserve. That being the case, let us go and seek our own rainbows, which I'm sure will appear when the time is right.

I'm going to smile, because I want to make you happy, laugh, so you won't see me cry. I'm going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me, I'm going to smile. Here you are still hurting me, and I still forgave you. 

Thanks for everything, I love you with all my heart. Thankyou so much Salehuddin Abdullah.